Make Up Session Policy

If you have missed a session during the term you are eligible to attend a make up session. You will receive a generated email notifying you that you are eligible for a make up session when marked as absent in our system. If you wish to attend a make up session simply reply to the email with your preferred day and we will get back to you with availability.

There is no expiry for group make up session but players can only attend a make up session if they are enrolled in the current term of coaching.


When am I eligible for a Credit?

Credits will only be awarded if a session is cancelled or due to a long term injury or illness (3+ weeks) and Transition Tennis has been notified prior to the weeks off. Credits will be assigned to the next tennis coaching program the player attends, whether that is a Holiday Program or the next term of coaching. 


Private Lessons:

Players who attend Private Lessons will be eligible for a Credit/make up session if their session has been cancelled, or Transition Tennis are notified prior to 12pm the day of their session that they will not be attending. This gives Transition Tennis enough time to fill the time slot for that week. If Transition Tennis is not notified prior to 12pm the day of a Private Lesson, or the player does not show up, then they not eligible for a make up session or credit.